Deep Relaxation

A restorative class focusing on relaxation and stress relief through supported poses and meditation.


Rita Benedict


June 29, 2024

Read Time

5 min


Experience the ultimate relaxation in our Deep Relaxation class. This restorative yoga session is designed to reduce stress and promote deep rest through supported poses held for extended periods. With the aid of props like bolsters, blankets, and blocks, you’ll gently stretch and relax your body, allowing your mind to enter a state of deep meditation and tranquility.

Deep Relaxation

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Participant Reviews

Great engaging classes, highly recommended!

The class helped me improve my flexibility and reduce stress.

An image of a person
john raskin
Yoga Instructor, Serenity Flow

I loved the class! It was challenging yet rejuvenating.

An image of a person
jane smith
Wellness Coach, Harmony Wellness

The class exceeded my expectations. I felt energized and centered.

David Johnson
CEO, Zen Mindfulness

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